Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Author : Currie, Randolph N.
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Currie, Randolph N.:   Cyclic Unity in Bach's Sechs Chorale: A New Look at the 'Schüblers,' Part I. Bach 4/1 (Jan 1973), 26-38
2. Currie, Randolph N.:   Cyclic Unity in Bach's Sechs Chorale: A New Look at the 'Schüblers,' Part II. Bach 4/2 (Apr 1973), 25-39
3. Currie, Randolph N.:   A Neglected Guide to Bach's Use of Number Symbolism -- Part I. Bach 5/1 (Jan 1974), 23-32
4. Currie, Randolph N.:   A Neglected Guide to Bach's Use of Number Symbolism -- Part II. Bach 5/2 (Apr 1974), 36-49
5. Currie, Randolph N.:   A Neglected Guide to Bach's Use of Number Symbolism -- Part III. Bach 5/3 (Jul 1974), 3-12
6. Currie, Randolph N.:   A Neglected Guide to Bach's Use of Number Symbolism -- Part IV. Bach 5/4 (Oct 1974), 3-8
7. Currie, Randolph N.:   Bach's Newly Discovered Canons in a First Edition: Some Observations. Bach 8/2 (Apr 1977), 15-22
8. Currie, Randolph N.:   Bach's Newly Discovered Canons in a First Edition: Some Observations, Part II. Bach 8/3 (Jul 1977), 3-12
9. Currie, Randolph N.:   Bach's Newly Discovered Canons in a First Edition: Some Observations, Part III. Bach 8/4 (Oct 1977), 3-9

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita